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THE LIFE NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT........................
Nobody knows anyone’s true feelings, you think you know what’s going on in peoples lives but news flash you don’t. whenever you’re in a situation you know that there are always others that have it worse than you but still your emotions an feelings seem to reign over that, and you tend to feel that you’re the only one in the world that feel that way. I know of this story of a little girl her mom left for the states when she was only 2 years old, she was left to be taken care of by Family. She doesn’t have much relatives around her area but does best with what she has.as a young child she had always loved sports and treasured it, she was never a “tom boy” but was just strong minded and strong physically also. Through preschool she was everybody’s little girl she was a queen nobody could touch her. She got everything she wanted, she was living the life but as she got older the toll off her mom not being around started to take a toll on her. Things a mother should tell their daughter she wasn’t told and that made her very sad and upset and that’s when she found her home with sports, playing was a way of releasing all that and just being who she is and she was so good at it. She said nothing to nobody but a lot of stuff used to happen to her and to talk she. she didn’t have no friends to talk to she was called so many names and bullied in primary school. She thought about suicide so many times and to top it all off her father was never present in all this and until this day she does not know who her real father is. She wasn’t known to anybody, she was always insecure and felt that she was an ugly and useless person and she would never be loved by anyone. Her mom not being here and all this going on in her life she had nowhere to turn.In the midst of all this the family she lived with started to take a different route of feelings towards her as she entered high school it was a huge change for her but a step she was willing to take. Nobody knew who she was as a person but still nobody cared to address her, she met one young lady and until this day they are inseparable she felt that for once somebody could love her for who she is, as a friend and a sister. High school made her known for who she is, her smiles, jokes and athletic abilities. Everybody knew who she was and respected her and for once she felt like somebody. Now for her family the transition from a young child to a teenager they did not know how to handle and relationships between them and her took a bad turn and until this day has been that way. The anger and frustration is there but still she perseveres. She has big dreams and want big things but cannot do it alone, soon a women but yet still lay down and cry herself to sleep thinking about the past and what all she went through to be where she is today. Fighting herself whether to give up or not but then think about her mom and change her mind. She’s lost in her own world and all she wants is guidance. She knows god more than anything but falls short at all cost, she know that but it’s hard. Now she’s on to big and better things and she must put the past behind and leave it to god she must move and and find it within her TO LET GO!!! The only persons that knows who she really is are those that knows her heart. Those she loves and knows that if she give up on life she’s not only hurting herself but those that tried their very best to be there when her mom couldn’t be. To see her dressed up, to see her play her games, her first day of high school, getting high on a test, her first goal and even her first crush. It’s weird sometimes she wishes that things could be different but she knows everything happens for a reason. She knows that every tear, and every sweat and hard work is going to pay off. All she wants is to be loved the same way she loves others, all the things that had occurred in her life is too much to put in papers the feelings the hurt and pain, her mom, her dad, her school, her friends, her family. It’s a lot to sink it but I know things will work out for the better before she thinks or let’s say before I think of quitting.
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THE LIFE NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT........................ Nobody knows

7 faves · Oct 9, 2013 8:36pm





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