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I stand naked before you now; no wall to hid ebehind, so here am I.
You've seen all of my scars, still here you are.
I bare my soul, and I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid.
I am beautiful with you [even in the darkest part of me].
I am beautiful with you [make it feel the way it's supposed to be].
You're here with me, just show me this and I'll believe; I am beautiful with you.
I've been the strong one for so long, but i was wrong.
It doesn't make you weak if you're needing someone.
I'm not holding back and i know what I want.
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I stand naked before you now; no wall to hid ebehind, so here

1 faves · Oct 6, 2013 10:50pm





beautiful · halestorm · lyrics

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