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Today was crap. Everything was awful, and then one girl put me over the edge during the last period by ruining my bag and got coffee over it-long story short. She didn't even say sorry to me. I was so mad because all my notebooks and folder were trashed, so I was going to my science teacher (Mr. P, let's say) to get new papers, and he asked me what's wrong...I broke down in front of him hysterically crying. He sat me down, and I just exploded everything from how I hate everyone in the school to wanting to kill this girl. He understood completely and just sat and talked to me for half an hour. Then he took my bag and cleaned in the sink. Then helped me clean up my folders and notebooks. I never thought a teacher would be so kind. He's my favorite person in the school right now.
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Today was crap. Everything was awful, and then one girl put me

12 faves · Sep 19, 2013 4:39pm