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As a girl who hasn't been on witty for more than a year:

I used to be so sad, all the time. I used to feel so empty. I could barely walk past a mirror without bursting into tears; I disliked my appearance that much. I thought I would never have a boyfriend, because who would like such a sad, ugly person? I had hurt people I cared about, been hurt by others I cared about, and witty was where I came to get away from it all.

But it does get better.

I woke up one day last yearand was completely sick of it. Sick of being sad. Sick of holding back tears all the time. Sick of feeling not good enough.

So I changed. Simple as that. I woke up one morning and decided I would be a better, happier person.

It wasn't easy. I'm not going to pretend that after that day everything was easy, and I'm not saying that I don't still feel how I used to some times. It took a lot of hard work, a lot of fake smiling when I really wanted to burst into tears, a lot of being nice to people even when I wanted to stab them, a lot of focusing on what was good about myself and the world even when all I could see was the bad. It took a very long time, a lot of tears and a lot of energy.

But I did it.

I feel so much better now; I look better; I have more friends; I have the guy of my dreams.

But all of this came about because I chose to do something about it.
I stopped caring what people thought, and did what made me happy.

I didn't wait for a boy to come along and make me happy, I took matters into my own hands. Then, when I was happy in myself, I found someone so perfect, who a year ago I may not have had the courage to be myself with. But I did, and he loved me for it.

Don't expect life to change if you're not prepared to.
But if you are prepared to change, and put in the effort,
life will get better.
I promise.
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As a girl who hasn't been on witty for more than a year:

2 faves · 1 comments · Sep 18, 2013 2:32pm





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LilMissEpic15 · 1 decade ago
YAY I am so so so happy that you're back and better! I'm a lot happier now too so I'm really proud of us *pulls you into a tight hug* I'm so glad you've found someone. I'm still on that single road but I hope to find happiness in someone like you have <3
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