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i. i've never been in love with anyone but i've loved the way
you kissed, loved the way you are endlessly gentle, i have loved—
ii. i've never been in love with anyone but i have loved the nights we walked around until late and the streetlights lit up the way for us 
iii. i've never been in love with anyone but i remember the October
night we sat inside the dark purple slide and you held onto
my hands and your cheeks were bright pink because of the 
cold and i remember what i felt—too much, too much—
iiii. i've never been in love
with anyone
but we came pretty
god damn
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i. i've never been in love with anyone but i've loved

19 faves · Sep 16, 2013 8:10pm





poem · yeehaw · somedumbwriting · ialwayswriteaboutyou · love

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