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One Direction Update
9/9/13 10:30 PM EDT
Hey everyone! Not too much to update on. The boys are still enjoying their time off! Harry is still in California. Liam is still in France. Niall is still in Melbourne. He was seen hanging out with friends/family. He'll apparently be back in Ireland by Thursday. Zayn and Louis are in the UK. Zayn has been with Perrie! 

This Is Us announcement! Management has just confirmed that they will be showing the "fan cut" of TUI on Friday in cinemas! Unfortunately this is only in the US and Canada. I'm really sorry if you don't live there and even though I'm from the US I think it's completely unfair to everyone else.

Andy Update: He's doing better and he tweeted that he walked again for the first time yesterday!

Rumors: None

This Day Last Year: The boys were enjoying some time off just like now!

Links: Zayn and Perrie with their puppy recently: http://t.co/e1FfbaIYS1

Okay so I have an important question for anyone here who is from Australia or New Zealand. As you guys know the boys will be coming to you for the TMH tour and they'll be there for awhile. So basically I always like to do my update at the end of my day/the boys' day. When they are in the US or the UK the time difference isn't that drastic so it works out. But you guys are a good 14 hours ahead of me. So for example when the boys are doing a Friday night concert, it's only going to be like 6 AM my time. So what I'm asking is, when do you suggest I do my update during that time? It's random but I started my update June 2012 so I've never updated when the boys were there for an extended period of time before. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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One Direction Update 9/9/13 10:30 PM EDT Hey everyone! Not too

9 faves · 7 comments · Sep 9, 2013 10:30pm





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · celeb

XxsilentxforeverxX * · 1 decade ago
Press F10 5 times.Take a deep breath.
2. Think of someone you like.
3. Press F10 5 times.
4. Send this to 5 comments....
5. Look at your background
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VinnieLavini · 1 decade ago
HEY! I'm from Australia and I would update around normal time or maybe in the morning...
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jadelovess1d · 1 decade ago
Its a shame about it only being US and Canada seeing as its the UK that started it all but oh well, will it be on Youtube do you think? Also apparently Harry's been seen looking for a pad in Miami. http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/09/09/3615853/one-directions-harry-styles-looking.html
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beary0630 · 1 decade ago
Harry Dmed a fan on Twitter saying that he wasn't. He likes LA so much so even if he was looking for a house it'd be there not Miami
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little_random_fact · 1 decade ago
Here, In Australia, it's nearly 2pm now.
What time is it for you when you usually update?
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beary0630 · 1 decade ago
I usually update at the time I put at the top. 9 or 10 PM at night for me which is like 11 or 12 noon for you. You see I like to update and say what the boys did that day, and for you your day is half done when mine is beginning. For example if the boys are where you are and I do an update at say 9 PM on the 9th of September my time. It's already half way through the next day where you are.
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little_random_fact · 1 decade ago
Yeah, okay.
I think if you kept doing it the time you always do it, it'd be fine. Because I get the update the day after it has actually been, so when they come to Australia, it'd just be the other way round.
Or you could do it in your morning maybe??

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