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i can't imagine someone
falling in love with me. i can't imagine someone who'll be happy to wake up and see me sleeping beside them, i can't imagine someone who'll be able to deal with my clumsiness and forgetfulness.i could never think of anyone who'd think i'm beautfiul even when i have no makeup on and my hair is a frizzy mess.i can't picture someone not getting tired or bored of me and accepting that i don't have many talents. i can't imagine someone who'll like the things i like and if they don't they wouldn't make fun of me for liking them. i can't imagine someone still sticking around once they find out that i'm not that strong. i can't see myself having someone who'll accept that somedays i feel like listening to rap and other days i just want to listen to hardcore rock, and we could still jam out like there's no tomorrow.i can't imagine someone who will see a bunch of prettier girls every day but still only want me. i just can't.
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i can't imagine someone falling in love with me. i can't

31 faves · 2 comments · Sep 8, 2013 4:49pm





imightbeforeveralone · idk · itsjustweirdtome · love

PleaseGirlYouAreNotUglyYouAreBEAUTIFUL · 1 decade ago
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gab* · 1 decade ago
thank you c:
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