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Pick person A or B
Person A - person who is about to puke
Person B - person on the toilet

What would you(Person A) do if you run in the only bathroom in the house about to vomit your guts out, but the toilet is occupied by person B. So you barge in and realize there's another person on the toilet so you....(comment)

What would you(Person B) do if person A is coughing, choking, then you hear loud running foot steps. So Person A barges in in the middle of your crap and you...

(Yeah I got puked on today in mid crap so I want to know how I could've handled the situation better as being person B....)

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Pick person A or B Person A - person who is about to puke Person

0 faves · 2 comments · Sep 6, 2013 5:49pm





toilet · whatwouldyoudo · puke · situation · speakingfromexpiereince · funny

Bre * · 1 decade ago
They should have puked in the trash can.
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I_Dont_Know · 1 decade ago
she shouldve puked in like the sink
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