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He was gone. It was like he wasn't even here. Not a piece of him was left in our room. There were no reminders of the love I found in the room we shared. The room we once shared. The only thing that remained was the faint smell of him and the memories we created. He had left the room empty. He took everything. He even had the audacity to take my heart. My mother warned me about this. "People are cruel. They'll make you think they love you." she'd say, "Then they'll go and leave you nothing but a lost heart and faded dreams." So I sat there in our room and stared at the bed and I thought of him. I stared out the window and I thought of him. I stared at the lines on my hands and I thought of him. Because all the memories we made were everywhere and everywhere I looked I saw the memories he'd forgotten to take with him.

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He was gone. It was like he wasn't even here. Not a piece

7 faves · Aug 25, 2013 10:35pm





love · story · heartbreak

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