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I got my boy back. And thinking back, I'm damn glad. Babe, I'm nothing without you, and anyone who's gonna say "You're 14" or "He's just a guy" can f--k off right now. I love him. He is my reason to wake up, and frankly, he's the one who gets me to sleep at night, too. He's the star of my dreams, and my reality, too. He's the best thing that's happened to me since I met AllyReneexD. I smile when I'm near him, I still get butterflies when he touches me. I still can't hide it, either. He knows me almost better than I know myself. I'm me around him. I don't have to be fake, if I'm hungry I can eat if I need to burp, goddamnit, he gets over it.(: We sing together, and watch movies, and he laughs at me while I play video games, and I wouldn't have it any other way. All the inside jokes, the secrets, the firsts, I just hope there are no lasts. I love you, Tom. Don't ever leave me, never again. 

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I got my boy back. And thinking back, I'm damn glad. Babe,

5 faves · Aug 15, 2013 9:34pm





love · true · tom · thehalfback

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