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i know i'm not perfect.
i'm not going to pretend to be for even a second.
i'm hyper
and sometimes i'm too loud.
i can never seem to keep my mouth shut.
plus, i tend to offend people with my humor.
i say a lot of foolish things
like, for example:
you're the best thing that's ever happened to me
and i can't imagine a world without you.
then, i usually regret saying those things.
because you've never saw me
the way i see you,
or the way you see her.
it's blantantly obvious that you love her
with the ferocity and passion i'd hope we'd have.
so this is my farewell.
and this is me telling you to keep loving her
because you deserve to be happy.
this is probably another fault on my behalf.
in which i'll most definitely regret.
i'm giving up the only thing i've ever truly known.
but you're worth it.
and i hope she's worth it.

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i know i'm not perfect. i'm not going to pretend to be

6 faves · Jul 26, 2013 11:40pm





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