Witty Profiles

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The Guardian
 Chapter 2:

 I hesitated a moment before telling him softly,
 "The Mother Tree is sick. I've been searching for a way to heal her."
 "Are you sure?" he asks.
 "Of course I'm sure! She's my Tree! I'm sick too, dont you think I would know!"
 "Wow, hey. Calm down." He said holding his hands in front of him, "Its okay. Im sorry. Did you find anything to help her?"
 "I found a prophecy. But thats it."
 "Can I see it?"
 I dug around in my bag until I found it. It says:
       Tiger and wolf,
       Claw and tooth,
       One must stay
       And one must leave forever:
       Mother will rise,
       Or else all is doomed.
One Gaurdian to ground must they...   
 "The rest was burnt. I dont know what it is, but I believe that the tiger is you, the Mother is the Mother Tree, and the Guardian is me, but who or what the wolf is, I dont know."
 "I dont know either. Where did you get this anyway?" he asked with a thoughtful expression on his face.
 "Well, I cant say. Nor are we allowed to tell anyone else. Thats what I was told."
 "What about the wolf?" he asked.
 "He will already know, I believe. Or at least have a vague idea about the situation."
 He took a deep breath, letting all this sink in.
 "Okay then. Well why dont we go and get some food, and then we can go to bed and find this wolf in the morring." he said suddenly. He always knew just what to say.
 "Sounds like a plan." I said greatfully. "But one more thing."
 "What?" he asked wearliy.
 "I need my protector to help me. My real protector."
 I expected him to be angry or something, but he just smiled.
 "Thats okay. We'll just have to find him."
 I smiled greatfully and ran up to my room. I got changed, grabbed some money, then headed downstairs to find Sohan. He was waiting for me by the door.
 "Ready?" he asked.
 "Yep." I said.
 I followed him out the door, down the street, and into Mc'Donalds where he ordered a large mcrib, fries and large coke, I just ordered a small coke. Sohan shook his head .
 "I still dont see how you can not eat meat! Or anything but fresh fruit!" he exclaimed.
 "Hey your a tiger so of course you dont understand. Only a Guardian can understand. Or mabey a true vegitarian."
 He just rolled his eyes. We sat there for a while, Sohan eating and me sipping my coke. After a few minutes Sohan stiffened and sat up slightly.
 "What is it?" I asked quietly.
 "A..." he paused for a moment, clearly confused, "A wolf."

 Thanks for reading you guys are awsome. Do you guys think my spelling and grammer has improved since my first story?

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The Guardian Chapter 2: I hesitated a moment before telling him

2 faves · 2 comments · Jul 18, 2013 9:47pm





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Christina* · 1 decade ago
Your grammar has improved big time! So good job on that...but i don't really know about your spelling since I am a horrible speller my self...haha but good job i like it
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tigersforever · 1 decade ago
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