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People and the media, are so overrated. For instance, celebrities,
are just people who are still growing up. Miley Cyrus is still trying
to find out her style, with the press telling her to be s.exy and her
true fans asking her to stop it. And then Katy Perry has gone off
one of the worst breakups in her life (or divorce) and is trying to move
on, but it's kind of impossible with the fu.ckin' press still looking for more
details. And Taylor Swift is just trying to find the perfect type of love,
but the press and media are insistent on calling her 'a b.itch and wh.ore.'

Honestly guys, leave them (and other celebrities) alone. They're just people
and like all humans, they make mistakes.
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People and the media, are so overrated. For instance, celebrities,

2 faves · Jul 8, 2013 2:29pm





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