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This is a really stupid quote so you can just stop reading because it'll waste your time.

Okay so I come on here once in a while and I just recently started being active again. A majority of my friends left... and I have no way to contact them and it really saddens me. My friends on here were the best and I'd spend hours talking to them. lol. I remember the good times when I'd spend literally hours working on a layout, then I'd make like five quotes (not from tumblr or anywhere- from my mind) and I'd talk to like five people. Witty was my life. It helped me in so many ways, even though there are many bad memories from Witty, they all somehow end up being a good memory. This quote is really pointless and it was supposed to be about my friends who I miss dearly and I just ugh): I miss them all so much and they were the first people to ever get me and they were amazing. I'm actually crying right now, haha. I miss all my friends, and believe me, I had many on here. lolol. I don't know how to conclude this :o  I really do think of all my friends and I wish I could talk to them again. I'm sure we've all grown up differently and like might not still get along or share common interests (the biggest being Witty) but well, friends are friends. There are still some people on here who I love and we'll probably be friends for a long time so yeah. 
I'm just going to 

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This is a really stupid quote so you can just stop reading because

10 faves · 1 comments · Jun 23, 2013 10:36pm





friends · mywittyprofile · friend · friendship

rebecca* · 1 decade ago
I feel you. My first friends on here were some of the closest friends I've ever had and I don't talk to any of them any more. I still have about four and I love them but I really miss my first ones but they haven't been on in almost 6 months now.
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