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Please read this! it was the most perfect night I've ever had and I wanted to share it with you all

So I was on school camp a couple of weeks ago, and it was the second night there. And we decided to have a camp fire, and we roasted marshmallows, and then we ended up all laying on eachothers stomachs and legs in this big heap and we made so so many inside jokes and it was perfect. and then it got really cold and my friend was like 'ohmygod Meagan, you're shivering so much!' so then the guy i like sat up and gave me his jumper, and he wouldn't take it back even though he was freezing. it was so amazing and I have never had such a perfect night in my life. ever.
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Please read this! it was the most perfect night I've ever had

5 faves · Jun 15, 2013 6:15am





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