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There was once this boy,
he was very beautiful,
the type of beautiful
that takes your breath

He sat in front of me
in English class,
period five.

He never spoke a word,
nor did I ever speak
to him, despite how
much I wanted to.

He had blue eyes,
and brown hair,
and he wore a
light blue cardigan.

One day, he wasn't
in class and my
heart sank.

Then, one week later,
the newspaper said:
local boy commits suicide.

He wrote a leater to his
friends, and to his family,
telling that he loved them
and that it wasn't their faults.

He wrote a note to the sad
girl who sat behind him
in English class, period five,
telling her that she was beautiful.



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There was once this boy, he was very beautiful, the type of beautiful

50 faves · Jun 9, 2013 9:33pm





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