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All the "pretty" girls at my school make me feel so bad about myself.
They fix their hair every single day.
There's no such thing as a "lazy day."
&If there is, they still dress down and look stunning.
They wear tons of make up.
They get all kinds of attention.
And they hang out with other pretty people.
I don't know why people like my presence sometimes;
I could never compete with all that. /:

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All the "pretty" girls at my school make me feel so

28 faves · 12 comments · Jun 9, 2013 2:41pm





vent · confession · admitting · love

Brown_Eyed_Wonder* · 1 decade ago
You're the most beautiful person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. With out a doubt. There is NO competition like, ever. Most of them aren't nice and not nearly as half as beautiful or as talented as you are. Gosh, Bre, you don't even know how truly amazing you are. I completely enjoy your presence all the time. You'll never need fancy clothes or make up. Never. I envy you. 24/7. I'm sure others do too. I'm just lucky to know someone as beautiful inside and out as you. Cheer up buttercup. :)
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Harper* · 1 decade ago
well you could do that too :)
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kiwi* · 1 decade ago
beauty, natural or not, is not something that should be made of a competition. don't try to compete with them, because you'll only push yourself down further! you need to embrace what you've got, because no one else will have EXACTLY what you have. you can't let others define your value. instead, you define your worth. have lazy days and embrace it. have days where you want to dress up and keep going further until you feel pretty. try to be like them for one day, and see how stressful it is to keep up a reputation that doesn't matter in the future. it is HARD. reputations are hard to keep up with and they have so many limits. just embrace who you are. that's the only way to be truly happy and confident in yourself. (:
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Breannnnnanichole · 1 decade ago
Thanks. (: That was beautiful lol.
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kiwi* · 1 decade ago
lol it just flows... haha jk but really, you don't need to compete with others. you are too beautiful to even BEGIN a competition with them! I just wish you'd see it :(
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kitty007 · 1 decade ago
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Breannnnnanichole · 1 decade ago
Thank you..
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lillan122 · 1 decade ago
Ahh but are they "NICE" ? If not they are not worth your Imvy! You must hold your head up and smile!
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Breannnnnanichole · 1 decade ago
From what I know of them, they are..
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lillan122 · 1 decade ago
So they are Nice, they are still not worth your imvy, you are more then they are! You are beautiful, NATURALLY! so why tf should you care what they look like? I bet they are jealous of you!
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Breannnnnanichole · 1 decade ago
Thanks.. but I doubt it. :/ I try not to get upset about it, lol, honestly. It just happens sometimes..
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lillan122 · 1 decade ago
you really shouldn't worry! Your naturally gorgeurs!
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