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I fell in love once.

It was a Saturday morning, I believe.
I was riding the public bus to go
somewhere; that morning, I woke
up and decided I wanted to go
on an adventure,
so I did.

He sat in front of me, 
his name, I didn't know.
But he had brown hair
and expressive brown eyes.

When he took his seat,
he gave me a small smile,
one that made my heart
skip a beat; the same one every 
cliché romance novel has
ever written about.

I sat there quietly,
watching him secretly,
he was too lost within his music
to pay me any mind either way.

I don't know why I fell in love with
this boy, but I know that I did.

Maybe it was the way his eyes
gleamed in the sun, or, maybe,
it was the way that he didn't
pay any mind to the world around
him. Perhaps, it was the way his
smile seemed to make the whole
world melt around;

perhaps, just maybe, it was
the way that when he looked
me in the eyes, for that brief'
moment in time, I, for the
first time, felt truly beautiful.

This boy got off the bus five
stops later; I never learned his
name, nor did I even speak
a word to him. But I fell
in love with him.

Wholly and truly.

With that boy
who sat in front
of me on the bus that
one Saturday morning.


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I fell in love once. It was a Saturday morning, I believe. I

72 faves · 2 comments · Jun 9, 2013 1:39pm





love · bus · poemstory · poems

TheHeartVersusTheHead · 1 decade ago
Beautiful! Did you write this?

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celestialerror* · 1 decade ago
Sorry for the late response.
Yes, yes I did. And thank you. x
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