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So, Wednesday the 8th graders from my school went on a trip to Washington D.C. and I kind of liked someone, but I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure if he liked me back. Well, we had walking buddies, mine was Emma, his was Nathan. We were in the Holocaust Museum and Emma and Nate were doing something on the computer. Michael (the guy I like) called me over to walk with him. I kind of thought that he liked me, but wasn't sure, and didn't want to get sad if he didn't. Well, later that night in our hotel rooms, he texted me and asked who I liked, and I told him "I like you, Michael." and he said "I like you too, Hannah." I freaked out and almost cried I was sooooo happy!!! I wasn't feeling well at all because of terrible dehydration today, and he gave me a nice hug. And then, when he got on the tour bus, I got on after him, and when I passed his seat, he grabbed my hand and we stood there for a while. Then later, when we got back to the school to go home toay, he gave me another hug. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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So, Wednesday the 8th graders from my school went on a trip to

3 faves · May 30, 2013 12:01pm





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