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                                            I am not depressed.
                                     I can still smile a pretty things
                                     And laugh when jokes are funny.
                                         I can still talk to people
                                         And enjoy nice days.
But when I go inside,
When I am alone,
There is something broken.
I fall into sadness so sweet
That it engulfs me.
I look in the mirror.
And I don't like what I see.
And the tears always fall
When I'm falling asleep.
And I miss something ,
That doesn't exist.
                                               I am not depressed
                                        I've just been sad for awhile.
                                         But I can still find the light.
                                                 I can still smile.
                                                 and so can you .

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I am not depressed. I can still smile a pretty things And laugh

8 faves · May 19, 2013 12:28pm





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