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One Direction Update
5/14/13 10:30 PM EDT
Hey guys! So there's nothing really to update on today. The boys had another day off. All of them are in London but again no of them were really seen. All I know, based on tweets is that Niall spent another day chilling at home. 

One more day until the big announcement! Now apparently people are saying that the boys have said this will be carreer chaning. To be honest I bet this really isn't a big deal. Like at all. I don't know, I kind of just feel like their popularity was slipping a bit so management is trying to boost it again with this whole thing. We'll see on Thursday.

Rumors: None

Links: Sorry there aren't any today.

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One Direction Update 5/14/13 10:30 PM EDT Hey guys! So there's

6 faves · May 14, 2013 10:24pm





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