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Hear is to the girls,

Who don't wake up with perfect hair.
Who don't mind eating a Big Mac insted of a salad.Who don't wear 50 pounds of makeup.
Who'd rather spend the day in sweat pants instead of skinny jeans.
Who love the comfort of T-shirts.
Who don't get all the guys.
Who isn't "popular", but feels like it around their friends.
Who stick with sneakers instead of heels.
Who aren't afraid to break a nail.
Who don't always get their own way.
Who don't get everything they want.
Who don't need a different guy every week, but would be happy with one.
Who doesn't just want the "hot" guy.
Here's to girls, like me. ♥
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Hear is to the girls, Who don't wake up with perfect hair.

10 faves · May 14, 2013 1:56pm





girls · poem · inspirational

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