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well im about to sleep but i wanted to share something real quick. earlier today
i was in chat, and i stumbled across a girl. she had a witty for only a few days
and she asked if she could follow me. naturaly, i said yes. she told me
she was sorry i was a cutter. i told her i was sorry too. she said
i was way too pretty to cut. i told her that had nothing to
do with it. she then proceeded to say i was doing life
wrong, ya now, by cutting. she said i was messing up
everything.she said i have a pretty face, with an
ugly body because of my scars. she told me
that no guy will be capable to love me
because i have ruined my body.

i can deal with that. what gets me is what i was told next.

she then tells me that everyone around me is disappionted in me because im a cutter
and because im depressed. she said people cant love someone whose sad.
she said it wouldbe better to take my life now and be done with it
than to continue to hurt the loved ones around me by cutting.

sweetie, im so close you have no idea.
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well im about to sleep but i wanted to share something real quick.

2 faves · 1 comments · May 11, 2013 3:31am





depressed · selfharm · suicidal · triggerwarning · selfinjury · seriousstory · break up

mnmnmnmnmoo · 1 decade ago
Sounds like a 12 year old who thinks she knows it all. Sorry that that happened to you hun. You're worth more than that. The world would not be the same if you did not exist, especially to those who love you. It is better that you at least find a way to cope with the things you're going through, rather than giving up completely and leaving so many people behind. Don't let this get to you. You're so much more than that. And she really has no idea.
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