Witty Profiles

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name: Maggie

age- 13
sign- aries
school-  trottier
location-  ma

nicest- eliza (no offence anyone else)
meanest- umm... I like them all
tallest- mandy
shortest- sam
craziest- abbie
smartest- molly by far
dumbest- hahaha we're all pretty stupid
most trustworthy- idk
most athletic- that award goes to alexa and myself
most likely to end up in jail- bahahahaha alexa 
most likely to be rich- Molly will go into some high paying smart people job, while I sell tacos at the zoo
most likey to get pregnant by the age of 16- hoping none of us
deepest conversations- Me and Abbie have some deep moments (haha yeah right)
weirdest conversations- abbie with anyone and herself
best lyer- abbie (I asked Tina first!)
most organized-molly
most unorganized- alexa probably
always late- abbie [hehe no offense]
always on time- none of us
always early- nonee

-habits-do you-
bite your nails-
flirt too much-not that I'm aware of
procrastinate- all the time
take your anger out on others- no...
have an eating disorder- no
judge people easily- according to Rachael Pennington I do
lose your temper easily- nope

-how many times a day do you-
go to the bathroom-umm.. normal amounts

change your clothes- twice
shower- every night
slam doors- I haven't slammed a door in months
fight with people- its fun to argue with abbie
sign online- facebook like 12 times
brush your hair- randomly throughout the day, i like my hair soft
wash your face-once in da mornin
Next Quote >

-you- name: Maggie age- 13 sign- aries school- trottier location-

0 faves · 1 comments · Mar 31, 2009 8:21pm






hockeygrl53 · 1 decade ago
luved it i changed the answers 4 the frend thing and made it mi buddi info
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