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My brother always ask me, "Why do you care so much about what others think of you?"
He just wouldn't understand. He wouldn't understand whet the voices in my head say
about me, he wouldn't understand that I cry every time I look at myself in the mirror, or
the fact that everytime I eat, I feel so guilty. He just wouldn't get how much I want it
all to end so I don't have to hate myself anymore! He wouldn't get how easy he has it.
How he could care less about how he looks every morning while I get up at four in the
morning to put make-up on or do my hair. I envy him. I envy how he can go to Wal-Mart
in sweat pants and not feel so self-conscious. I envy how he doesn't have to worry that
some one is probably staring him down and making funny of him behind his back.

He just doesn't understand.
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My brother always ask me, "Why do you care so much about

3 faves · Apr 22, 2013 8:39pm





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