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Dangerous Chapter Twenty Seven

♦ Allison's P.O.V ♦

"What are we going to do?"I asked breaking the silence.

"We can't let that b**** go!"Honey exclaimed.

"Yeah but where is she?"I replied.

"How the he// am I suppose to know?"Honey yelled.

"Let's go to my house and figure this out."I calmly answered.

"Oh okay I guess."Honey said.Just then both of our phones rang as we glanced at each other.In sync we both got our phones out and saw there was one new text message.

You told a secret now I tell a secret.Check this out maybe you can escape while you can.-S

We gasped as we clicked on the link that was given.We heard two people sing and glancing at Honey I now knew she was scared.Whoever S was they were watching us all the time.A knock on the door jolted us to reality as I opened the door.Two burly looking cops walked in as Honey's usual flushed face was now sheet pale.

"Honey Hernadez and Allison McCall?"One of the cop said looking at us like we were criminals.

"Yes,"I said after a  minute my voice warbling.

"You two are under arrest."The other cop said that had a name tag called Dylan.

We turned around as they arrested us.I glanced at Honey and we both knew who did this.

"Why are we arrested?"Honey asked.

"Watch this video."The cop named Gary showed us a video of us sneaking into the morgue.Honey wasn't doing anything but it seemed like that it could be Honey too.

"But I-"I was cut off as we were lead away.I motioned to Honey that to stay calm who looked like she was going to rip the officers heads off.

"Can we atleast call our parents?"Honey asked.

"At the police stations miss and maybe you should mind your own business."Dylan roughly added.We drove in the cops car but I hated every minute.My phoned buzzed as I tried grabbing it out.I looked at the other text message and saw Honey  asking me silently who it was.I mouthed back S and she inched forward.

Think you were so smart to beat me?Try again or better yet stay in jail.Orange will look good on you guys.-S

I whispered to Honey,"What are we going to do?"

"They'll have to let us out."Honey replied.

"We have to before S gets here."I answered.

Comment for  a reminder.

Two girls trapped how pathetic.I gave them a warning but guess it might be just too late.These b***es know that I run this game only me so back off.Orange will definatly look good on them far as I know.This game is ending soon and these girls are disappearing forever-S

A/N:Hey guys sorry it's been such a long time and I hope you can understand.This story is ending very soon and my choices for my next story are coming up.Thanks for reading and waiting.
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Dangerous Chapter Twenty Seven ♦ Allison's P.O.V ♦

3 faves · 2 comments · Apr 20, 2013 9:23pm





story · life · dangerous · trouble · jail

cydney · 1 decade ago
Wow!This is getting intense
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Cupycakes · 1 decade ago
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