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To the gymnasts on witty...

Don't be upset when you get a low score
The judges are just jealous that they can't

[(twist)] as many times as you can in a full,
[(run)] as fast as you can down the vault runway,
[(flip)] as many times as you can on the beam,
[(turn)] as many times as you can on the bars

So next time you get a low score,
throw your head back and laugh
cuz you know the judges couldn't have
done what you just did :]

^^credit to me^^
accidentally deleted b4
made it again
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To the gymnasts on witty... Don't be upset when you get a low

4 faves · 2 comments · Mar 31, 2009 11:46am






3oh3_is_my_life · 1 decade ago
haha that kindof reminds me of stick it(:
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i_love_my_j_69 · 1 decade ago
I'm so gona do that next meet and see how many dirty looks i get lol
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