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I wish I had a better personality. People tell me that it's fine when others say I should change it. And what drives me crazy is that some of my 'friends' say I should change it. They call me rude, bipolar, stupid, and other things. It bothers me and maybe thats the reason why I don't like being with the people I know. Most of them are ignorant and horrible. Whats even worse is that my parents are saying I need to change my personality too. All week they've been pushing me to do certain things and they don't even know the half of it. They don't have the anxiety and insecurity that I have. They don't see what I see, or hear what I hear. I'm getting to the point when I dont give a fk what anyone thinks but then it changes when thats all that matters- what they say. Nobody knows what goes through my head. And nobody can make me change.
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I wish I had a better personality. People tell me that it's

1 faves · 3 comments · Mar 27, 2013 8:57pm





pressure · personality · idgaf · away messages

heyworlditsme · 1 decade ago
Hey love:) for some reason lately I've REALLY started to get into this system of thinking that people are just the way they are. Others might not like it, but you are you. The only thing to be careful of is to not offend people/ hurt your own chances of doing well. You should do as you please, but not make any permanent problems
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londonparis · 1 decade ago
Thank you :) sorry I didn't respond sooner, I just noticed the comment. Thanks so much for the advice, it really helped <3
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heyworlditsme · 1 decade ago
Haha I'm glad! :)
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