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When I marry and have some kids
I will have a daughter.

Before her first day of elementary school
I will sit her down and tell her:

"Baby girl listen. I want you to walk into that school and be nice to everyone, be you're self, and be the good girl that you are. We will always believe you when you get into trouble. We will always love you no matter what. We will fix any problems with mean kids that try to bring you down. We will be there for you forever. All you have to do is stay strong and confident. And one day, when you are the most popular girl in school because you always have a good attitude and a smile on you're face. You will see how much you mean to the world. How much you mean to you're friends. And how much you mean to us."

And I will tell her that everyday.
No matter how hard it gets.
She will always desurve the truth behind how to survive school.
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When I marry and have some kids I will have a daughter. Before

6 faves · Mar 25, 2013 6:07pm





kids · story · inspiriational · inspirational

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