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7 faves · 7 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




sierra17 · 1 decade ago
Hi, well I just want you to know you aren't alone. 3 years ago my dad was diagnosed with Leukemia, a bone marrow cancer. It was all because I punched him playing punch buggy and he bruised immediately. It's going to be so difficult, I'll tell you that. There are going to be days where you feel like the world is ending. But it's not, you're strong. I know you are. You just have to be with him every step of the way. As we speak, my father is in Sloan-Kettering Cancer Hospital in New York City because of a respiratory infection that is fatal. I just can't give up hope, and I know he can't either. As my dad said, he's just gotta take it one chemo bag at a time. It will be ok, keep up a positive attitude, and never ever give up on him. Trust me. I hope all turns out well, and your father will be in my thoughts.

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Bailsiebop17 · 1 decade ago
Hi honey, I have just recently gone through a similar situation. In September, my stepdad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and he had very few symptoms. He ended up having a tumor on his pancreas and five on his liver. My best advice is to talk it out with your family and friends. It's the hardest thing I have ever gone through but it shows you how important your loved ones are. If you ever need to talk or anything, I'm here. I think it could be beneficial to both of us. Stay strong...
Bailey xoxoxoxo
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BeautifulGirlly · 1 decade ago
Im Sorry Bestfriend </3 Okay I Will Always B Here For You
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Mushu · 1 decade ago
Oh honey your in my prayers
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Samwise Gamgee ♥* · 1 decade ago
my dad has a tumor that raps around his spinal cord the doctors don't dare to touch it because of where it is. My bestfriend that i've grown up with has a brain tumor. they found it because of me. I'm here to talk if you need me. I read you're quotes often and see you've been through a lot. ive lost a lot of people close o me and hate when it happens to other people stay strong
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247dreamer · 1 decade ago
I am very sorry I hope it isn't best of luck stay strong<3
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cutepuppies01 · 1 decade ago
I am so sorry ;(
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