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So I had a dream..

My kinda crush was playing football
and I was just looking on my Instagram on a bench across the feild.
He sees me and fumbles the ball so it lands over by where I am sitting.
He starts singing a really funny song and I look  up.
He told me that he fumbled the ball just go get close to me.
He did that really cute kissy face thing and gave me a hug :)
Then we played football together.
All of the girls that usually flirt with him were playing.
He only cared about me.

I'm so confused.
Any advice...???
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So I had a dream.. My kinda crush was playing football and I

2 faves · 1 comments · Mar 16, 2013 8:41pm





dream · kindacrush · advice

GodsGurllyyGurl · 1 decade ago
He might like you :) If he's aplayer, he wont change for you though. I just wouldnt want you to get hurt. But if he only cared about you... maybe he's into you :) best wishes
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