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Did you ever what it feels like
to feel nothing?
To just...exist.
To feel like all you're doing is going through the motions,
and not really living.
You're breating,
but you're not alive.
You want to be happy,
but you can't.
You mentally, physically, emotionally, intellectually, and simply
cannot be happy.
To feel like you don't deserve to be happy.
You don't deserve to live.
You're not worthy.
You're not smart enough, or pretty enough or funny enough to deserve anything.
Do you ever wonder what it feels like?
Well I do, sometimes.
And then I remember
I don't have to wonder.
Because I know exactly what that feels like.
And it hurts so bad.

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Did you ever what it feels like to feel nothing? To just...exist.

4 faves · Mar 9, 2013 6:10pm





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