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"I lied about a lot of things."  He says quietly.
His blue eyes are glued to the ground, refusing to meet mine.
"But I never lied about my feelings. I really do love you."

     A sad smile appears on my face. "I might have believed you
once upon a time. But I know better now. You may think
you love me, but if you truly did you wouldn't have hurt me."

His eyes meet mine for the first time since he'd made the
mistake that tore us apart. I think he had been expecting
me to yell or scream at him, or break down in tears. But I
was to broken to do that. Tears form on his eyelids, threatening
to spill over. I know that if I continue to talk to him, I will
eventually forgive him. I will loose again. So I take one last
look at him, memorizing his every feature
Then I walk away and I never look back.
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"I lied about a lot of things." He says quietly. His

2 faves · 2 comments · Mar 8, 2013 7:46pm

nova ♥*


nova ♥*


love · life · sa · dbreakup

nova ♥* · 1 decade ago
Thank you. (:
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AquaBubblezz · 1 decade ago
Wow. I can't believe this doesn't have anymore favourites. This is amazing ! x
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