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I believe that everything
happens for a reason.
People change so that you
can learn to let go, things go wrong
so that you can appreciate things
when they are right. You believe
lies so that you'll eventually
learn to trust no one but yourself,
and sometimes good things fall
apart so that better things can
fall together<3

-Marilyn Monroe

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I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change

4 faves · 2 comments · Mar 28, 2009 9:34pm






xoAnGiEox2 · 1 decade ago
you dont have to give me credit for it.. and yeah u can just redo the colors and stuff... i actually just found it on photobucket and thought it was cute so i decided to post it.. (:
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flopsided · 1 decade ago
hey i really like this quote.
i noticed you just kinda left it at arial with normal font.. and i was wondering if i could redo it with colors and stuff?
and also if i were to do so should i not give you credit since it's a quote from marilyn monroe..? or should i. because if you want me to i will. =]
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