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Whenever you ask a person what their fears are, death is almost guaranteed to be said at some point. Anyone could agree, even highly religious people convinced they have a path paved with gold straight to Heaven. Death comes in many forms. There's homicide, where one individual is tragically murdered by another. There's suicide, where somebody is so depressed or stuck that they feel the need to escape permanently. There's accidental deaths, such as somebody getting hit by a car or falling off a tall ladder and breaking their neck and spine. There's unpreventable deaths, like miscarriages. There's death by sickness, like AIDS or cancer. The point is, although logical, being afraid of something you can't stop is a little silly. Of course, with the big mystery of Heaven or Hell, or limbo,or reincarnation, people are a little concered about their post-death whereabouts. Whatever way you die doesn't matter. What matters is that you live this life you are blessed with while you still can. Enjoy the simple things. Run your feet through the sand at the beach. Build a snowman. Frolic in the dew-drizzled grass come springtime. Step on some crunchy leaves when autumn rolls around. Bake some brownies. Do some cartwheels. Breathe in deeply, and when you exhale, remember how d//mn lucky you are to be alive, and promise me that you will live life to its fullest while you still can.
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Whenever you ask a person what their fears are, death is almost

5 faves · Feb 27, 2013 3:22pm





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