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Nicki Minaj is INSPIRING.

She is one of the most inspirational beautiful person ever. Your probably thinking "Wth, she's a plastic Barbie who can't sing?"
Let me tell you a few stuff about Nicki.
. Used to have nightmares all the time. Why?
. Her boyfriend left her after she found out she was PREGNANT. She had to go for a abortion by herself. How painful do you think that was?
. She was r@ped by a person she trusted.
. One word. Poverty.

. Her dad was a dr*g addict.
. Her dad burned down the house while her mum was still inside it.
. A girl tried to stab her to death.
. She lives with regret all her life.

^^ and she's still alive, carrying on, following her dream, doing what she loves, and does best. singing.

Some of you might even think "So? What has that got to do with her being plastic and singing useless songs?"

First of all, ITS HER APPEARANCE. She can do what she likes with it. How would you like it if someone made fun of yours? She isn't entirely plastic. She's still reconizable (spelt that wrong) from her before and after pictures. If she wants to look like that, go ahead.

Secondly, SHE CAN RAP OK. If you think she can't sing, thats ok thats your opinion, you can go back to Paramore or One Direction or whoever. But she's good at rapping - otherwise she wouldn't be where she is now would she?

Thirdly, she does not just sing about useless stuff.
Most of her popular songs are the sort to play in nightclubs, so are just about music, clubs, boys etc. But check out "Dear Old Nicki" and "Moment 4 Life" and these quotes she has 100% said in her songs and outside life -

"I put God first and do not allow other things to cloud my vision"

"Please, you could never compare to me, All these b--ches are scared of me, I am who they couldn't even dare to be"

"They don't see the tears I cry, the fears I hide"

"Love it or hate it, This is me, This is who I am"

"Don't chase these boys and all that stuff, Go to school,  Go to college, don't depend on anybody, do your thing"

"Its those little things that really make up the picture"

"My happiness doesn't come from money or fame, it comes from seeing life without struggle"

"Dear boys, being a d-ck isn't going to make yours bigger, just saying."

"Shout out to my haters, sorry you couldn't phase me"

"I believe that life is a prize, but to win doesn't mean your alive"

"Me against enemies, me against friends, somehow they both become to seem one"

"I'm fighting for the girls that thought they couldn't win"

"I'm insecure, I make mistakes, Sometimes I feel I'm at the end of the road"

"Your not going to tell me who I am, I'm going to tell you who I am"

and a lot more.

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Nicki Minaj is INSPIRING. She is one of the most inspirational

3 faves · 1 comments · Feb 25, 2013 5:03pm





love · music · past · sad · inspiring · song · bad · celebs · nickiminaj · inspirational

MissHatty · 1 decade ago
I accept that she's inspiring that despite everything she's been through that she's still around and smiling. But I still don't agree with what she does... for example in va va voom, she sings "I know he's got a wife at home, but i need just one night alone" she's basically justifying having an affair. That's wrong. In my opinion the clothes she wears are too revealing and she wears too much makeup but thats just me. I respect what she's been through but i don't respect her.
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