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Sick Chapter Sixteen

♦ Jenny's P.O.V ♦

Sometimes I wonder who I can tell about my mom.Even if she hits me I still loved her no matter what.I know I was ashamed of her actions but I believed she can change.So many times I felt her words running around in my mind making everything blurry as my world had crumbled.I had planned so many suicides of myself but they never worked.From the first moment I didn't know I would meet someone incredible.I had assumed  him like evey other guy but I was wrong on that.I learned from Hunter not to assume how everyone was.It was amazing of what one person can do.I would never forget Hunter helping me no matter how many times I had fallen.Just then I got a message from an unknown number again.It had sent me a video and I clicked on it.

What I saw would leave me having nightmares as I saw Christine getting tortured.It was all my fault and I didn't even know what to do.I wonder if Jessamine knew something about this.Like Christine had said I was taking a risk with Jessamine but my heart was saying give her a chance.I didn't even know if she would laugh at me but I texted Jessamine.

I had arrived at her house and she brought me inside.It was so beautiful with designs of italy and greece.I wonder where her parents worked.Jessamine looked relax which is weird since she was nervous on tv.

"Hey what's up?"Jessamined asked friendly.

"Umm I saw you on the t.v near the library what happened?"I asked nervously.

"Well there was a break in at the library."Jessamine replyed.

"Yeah but I sense something wrong like there is more behind in what you say."I said.

"Jenny no need to worry whatever I said was the truth."Jessamined laughed good naturally.

"That's good,I guess."I said trying to hide the embarrassment.

"Is there something wrong Jenny?"Jessamine asked concerned.

"Oh,no,no,no I'm good just wondering."I said hastily.

Jessamine noticed but didn't say anything about it as we talked.Soon I had left and so many thing were running around my head.I was such a fool to realize that Jessamine might have been hiding something.I don't even know her well enough.I shook my head and drove to a cafe.Couple of bands were playing and I could think over coffee and cake about this mess.It was nice so far but I didn't see anyone of interests.Until one drummer caught my attention.He had blond hair and I didn't noticed much until I realized when he looked up it was Hunter.I was gaping at Hunter's drum performance and so was every one.I knew Hunter played drums but not this well.He saw me and flushed and I sipped my coffee.Another guy also came up rocking the guitar with his performance as Hunter came and sat down with me.I wanted to meet the guitarist so Hunter had decided to meet him.

Hunter had known of the guy for a long time.He brought the guitarist to me and we all sat down and talked.The cafe was comforting as the guitarist who's name was,Ben told me about his dreams about being in a band.He was also trying to find a band like I was.

"You don't have to look any further,I'm also trying to find a band."I said smiling.

"Really?Sweet what are you going to do?"Ben asked.

"I can play the piano and harp.I also can sing."I said.

"Oh she can sing all right."Hunter said beaming and squeezing my hand.

"Well why don't you try up for singing?"Ben suggested.

"Well,I don't know.."I trailed off.

"Kitten you should try.In my opinion you have the most beautiful voice ever."Hunter said trying to encourage me.

"Oh no don't get me with those eyes I'll try but I'm not perfectionist."I said and got the mike.There were so many songs to sing but I wanted to sing my favorite of all.There was no music in the back but I wanted to sing Made of Stone by Evanescence.I loved that band so I sang it without music.

My singing flowed gracefully but I was nervous if people would like it.At first my hands were sweaty but I relaxed and forgot about the world.I forgot about the mean comments and the bullies.I was completely lost in my world containing Evanescence,me and music.Surpisingly people stood up when I was done and I was so proud of my work.When I returned to the table Ben was telling me on how my singing talents were beautiful.

Hunter smiled and said,"Kitten what about me?Can I join?"

I was taken back abruptly and I said,"I saw your drum solo and I loved it Hunter so yes you can join."When I finished saying that he kissed me on the cheek.

"What about me?"Ben asked awkwardly.

"Yes your talents on the guitar are indescribable."I gushed and I felt Hunter stiffen.I hope he wasn't mad.I squeezed Hunter's hand and he relaxed again.

"Well catch you later man."Ben said to Hunter and left.

♦ Christine's P.O.V ♦

Mr.Moody had left me and I felt my agonized muscles trying to move.Dark,red blood splattered on the floor but I had stopped losing blood.I could barely move and it hurts if I craned my head to see where the bathroom was.Why would Mr.Moody record me screaming?Is this like a fishing experiment or something.Fish him people have to know what kind of person he is.He called someone in the other room and 15 mins sharp another rough looking guy came.He had tattoes all over and his hair was spiked.The tips of his hair were green and I could see he was bold.How old was he anyways?Fishing person.I was hoping when Mr.Moody left I could find a way to escape but now he came here.

Uggg! He ruined the plan.Now I wonder if he'll fall asleep but nope.All he talked about is blood and war.Does that guy ever shut up?

"Heheh as you see blood is so  wonderful.Something about it makes it captiavting and just to feel it pour out.It's awesome.I bare no name so you can just call me master."

"Never!"I spat.

He put the knife at my throat and blood trickled down."What did you say?"

"Nothing."I sputtered.

"That's right and anyways,I have killed over 100 people.All their skulls are in my house out in the country.Do you want to see them?"he said creepily.

"Sure like your going to let me out."I said in a bored tone.I had a plan if he actually took me out.

"Aww you don't believe?Then come along for the ride."He said,duct taped my mouth and threw me in the jeep.He covered  me with a blanket and I closed the lid.I wanted to scream but I couldn't waste my oxygen.

Teaser:"Come on little one don't hide from me."

A/N:Hey guys hope your like this story and thanks for staying with me in all these loooong chapters.Hope you have a good night and you're all special just the way you are.

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Sick Chapter Sixteen ♦ Jenny's P.O.V ♦ Sometimes

4 faves · Feb 24, 2013 9:19pm





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