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Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover
Chapter 21
(part 2)

Cassidy's P.O.V
"What do you want?" I asked rudely as I got up off the bed.
"Cass just let me explain," Drew said pleadingly
"You can only call me Cass if we're dating or friends," I said rudely again. I looked over and saw Annabell and Lexi smiling because of how rude I was being to him.
"Please just let me explain!" Drew pleaded.
"I've heard enough about all this!" I said sitting down on my computer chair.
"But you haven't heard my side," he said.
"Maybe I don't want to!" I said. I actually really did want to know but I don't want him knowing that.
"Do you?" he asked wanting a honest answer.
"Yes," I mumbled into the phone. I heard him chuckling on the other end of the line.
"Meet me at the park at 8:30!" Drew said.
"Fine I'll be there," I said before hanging up.
"I'm meeting Drew at the park in like half an hour," I said flopping down on the bed.
"You're not going like that!" Annabell and Lexi both said standing up off the bed.
"Why? What's wrong with this?" I asked sitting up. I looked down at what I was wearing. I was wearing sweatpants, a huge sweatershirt, no makeup and my hair in a very messy messy bun.
"Fine," I said getting off the bed and following them to my closet.
"Okay you need to look hot! You need to have him realize what he did was wrong and that he needs you back!" Lexi said excitedly going through half my closet while Annabell went through the other half.
"Have a seat and we'll find you an outfit!" Annabell said smiling noticing that I was standing there just watching them.
"Kay," I said sitting down.
Finally after what felt like forever they found me an outfit. They handed it to me and told me to go change. The outfit was adorable, I admit it was a little edgier than what I usually wear but I loved it. My outfit was a white tank top with a cross on it, a black leather jacket, tight black skinny jeans and my favorite combat boots. I walked over to Annabell and Lexi and they looked at me approvingly.
"You look hot!!!" Lexi said excitedly.
"Now for your makeup and hair," Annabell said walking towards me checking out my hair. I took out my hair tie and sat down in front of the mirror.
Annabell ended up straightening my naturally wavy brown hair and waterfall braiding a section of it. For my makeup she kept it natural but winged out my eyeliner so that it was thick. It made my deep brown eyes pop out and I love it.
*            *             *
"Okay we'll be right here if you need us Cass!" Annabell said as we pulled into the park's parking lot.
"Okay but remind me again why you guys came?" I asked them kind of annoyed.
"Because we love and care about you! Now go because there he is!" Lexi said sliding in to the backseat with Annabell. They said their plan was to stay in the backseat to stay hidden but also so they could see us just in case they needed to beat him up.
"Okay but make sure you stay hidden!" I said taking a look at myself in the mirror. I admit I looked pretty hot, hopefully their plan to make Drew want me back works.
"Good luck!!!" they said as I opened the door and stepped out.
I felt my stomach tighten with each step I took towards Drew.

Here's the second part of the chapter! Hope you like it!
So what do you thinks gonna happen?!?
Here's Cassidy's hot outfit:P-
P.S How was your Valentine's Day?
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Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover Chapter 21 (part 2) Cassidy's

6 faves · 2 comments · Feb 16, 2013 1:55pm





heartbreak · plans · chapters · part2 · cassidylookinghot · story

JadaTooGorgeous · 1 decade ago
notify me on the next chapter !
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