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So we were having this conversation in class about why girls usually fall for the mean guys
Me: I think its because when girls go home sad or crying and they talk to a female parent or family member- they are told that if a boy teases you that they like you.
Teacher: So you're saying its the parents fault for telling the daughter this?
Me: No, I'm saying its whoever came up with that theory's fault.
Boy: Not really.
Me: Why is that?
Boy: Because usually boys only tease and bother girls because they do like them. They want the attention of the girl and they can't just walk up to her and talk to her because as many of you may think, guys aren't as outgoing. We get scared too, so we resort to picking on girls. And if a guy is teasing a girl just to tease her he's a sicko.
Everyone: awww...
Teacher: awww...
Obama: awww...
Cats: awww...
Dogs: awww...
Lizards: awww...
Me: So its the guys fault. 
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So we were having this conversation in class about why girls

43 faves · 3 comments · Jan 30, 2013 4:32pm





school · funny · daww

SazzX* · 1 decade ago
If someone in my class said that I'D BE SHOCKED!
You have a nice class. But I still think they're annoying teasing girls and stuff :c Anyway :)
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CaitlinAtTheDisco* · 1 decade ago
lol i hate those people, though C:
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SazzX* · 1 decade ago
Yeah,I do too :L
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