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January 28, 2012
Day one;

So, today marks the official date of me being healthy, and so far, I haven't stuck to what I thought I was going to do.  At school today, I told myself that I would eat a salad instead of having chips.  But, I caved ):  I bought two pringles!  I know, it's just a small thing, but that small thing could have effected me.  That was one little thing that I could have done in my daily routine to be healthier.  I didn't eat breakfast either.  All I have eaten today was those chips and a turkey and cheese sandwitch when I got home.  The turkey sandwitch was my somewhat healthy choice.  I promised myself I wouldn't go for the delicious pudding or the Nutella...  I'm really happy.  It filled me up, so now I'm not constantly going to the fridge or closet looking for snacks.  I've also been drinking water all day, which is really good!

I know, not a lot has happened today.  I was planning on going all out healthy, but then I realized something.  

You aren't going to stick to your "diet" plans if you go all out.  Just change the small little things at first, getting progressively better.

Thank you to anyone who has read... and thanks to everyone commenting on my profile and quotes!!  You're inspiring me to do more, which is all I can ever ask for, so thank you!! :D

New Goal for Tomorrow;

Next Quote >

January 28, 2012 Day one; So, today marks the official date of

5 faves · 1 comments · Jan 28, 2013 4:38pm





inspiring · healthy · diary · inspirational

cvnt* · 1 decade ago
This comment is pretty long, but I hope it gives good advice if you'd like a little more inspiration. (:

Being healthy is way more than just not eating much and only eating rabbit food. You can basically eat whatever you want if you do it in moderation. You can't expect to get healthy by hardly eating. It's dangerous-- eat better foods, eat in moderation, and exercise. Lowering your portions cold-turkey can also make you bloat. And, no matter what you eat, you'll constantly gain weight if you don't counter your calories with exercise to burn them off. Exercise speeds your metabolism rate. Remember, diets are awful. They're unhealthy. Just change all your unhealthy habits for healthier ones. You'll see results in no time. Now I'm not telling you to rush into everything. That isn't always a good option.

What I do:
Special K with skim milk
Snack (granola bar, dried pineapple, etc.)
C4 energy
Rocking Body workout video
All I drink is water or milk. As a vegetarian, I also eat a lot of soy and organic. I go to Trader Joe's and get my food, GNC for vitamins and health products (ie: C4, face wash, vitamin supplements), and put Propel Zero powder into my water. Trader Joe's is great for everyone, though. It's mostly for vegetarians and vegans, but as it's all soy and organic, it's really healthy.

All in all, this routine and lifestyle has really boosted my confidence. I look healthier, I'm more daring with how I act and dress, I've made friends, I look better, my skin has cleared up coz my skin isn't as greasy, I've started just being who I want to be without feeling nervous. Trying to get healthy really is a great thing. I've got miles to go, but I'm getting there. I hope you can too!
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