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So, about last month I did the most incrediblely f*cking stupidest thing ever. Okay, so im obsessed with my laptop, or I was. I was always on it doing something, tumblr, facebook, youtube, witty. And one day, were apparently I was so out of it that, I was about to leave for my dance classes that night, only me and my mom were home and we were just about to leave. And all of the sudden I smelled smoke, and my cat started scratching at my bedroom door, from the inside. So I opened my door and there was this huge fire, on my bed, like the size of my queen bed and up to my ceiling. It was damn scary, so when I found out what had caused it, I bawled, my Macbook had been on my bed... charging. The stupidest thing I could have ever done, and I just about burned the whole house down. Within 2 minutes, no one would have been home for about 4 hours. And, I lost my bed and my Mac, the worst possible thing in my mind when most of the time, thats all I had. So I havent been able to really go on witty. Traumtizing..
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So, about last month I did the most incrediblely f*cking stupidest

0 faves · Jan 21, 2013 12:38am




