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{ Just Under Perfect }


Emily's P.O.V
Chapter 14


"Don't make me go inside." I moaned. Mason had parked the car at school and we were both just sitting inside, watching other students enter the building. I was completely find with being here until about two minutes ago when I remembered what had happened yesterday. Mason kept trying to convince me that it was yesterday's news and that no one was going to care, but it was yesterday. People aren't going to forget the most popular girl in school dumping pancakes and a smoothie all over some nerd who was apparently trying to steal her boyfriend, only to have said boyfriend arrive out of no where and dump the popular girl for the nerd.
Yeah. If the entire school managed to forget about that, then they probably shouldn't be in high school and be sent back to kindergarten. Or checked into a mental institute. Or...
There was no point in questioning it. They were going to remember.
Mason tugged at my arm.
"Come on."
"No, everyone is going to laugh at me." I moaned.
"For what?" He asked. "Being the first girl to defeat Kirsten? The first person to deny her of what she wanted? Are you kidding me? Everyone probably looks up to you now."
I thought about this and part of me realized that it could actually be true. Because of me, it was proven that Kirsten could actually be defeated. (If you could call it that.) Kirsten was far from done, in fact, the war was probably just starting.
"Can we go now?" He asked impatiently. "There's something I want to show you."
I stared at him in confusion.
"Only if you make me get out."
He laughed.
"I've got just the cure."
Mason leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him back. Following his lead, my lips moved in unison with his. I opened my mouth a bit as he pulled me closer, and his tongue slipped into my mouth. It was perfect, truly perfect.
I heard a slightly muted voice from outside the car and ignored it, not wanting to ruin this perfect moment. The voice called louder before it was cut off abruptly by an deafening screech and a blood-curdling crunch. Something hit the car, breaking Mason and I apart. My ears rang and it seemed like all other sound was cut off, muted as if someone had just taken a tv remote to it. I felt like I was on fire, pain burning through my veins and circulating through my entire body. The last thing I felt was a hand grabbing mine before everything went black.

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I love feed back so please, for the love of red pandas, comment if you like it! I want to hear what you guys think and if this is actually as bad as I think it is.

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{ Just Under Perfect } Emily's P.O.V Chapter 14 "Don't

6 faves · 1 comments · Jan 18, 2013 4:09pm






Xxhotxxgothxxchickxx · 1 decade ago
Love it!!! Ah the suspense u left us on such a cliff hanger!
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