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There is something
about your smile

that, when I look at it, I cannot look away.
Perhaps it is the way your eyes shine ever so softly,
or the way your clandestine dimples appear.
Maybe it is the slightest crease of your cheek as your lips soften,
then fall apart the larger your grin grows.
It could be the way you begin to absentmindedly nibble your lip,
stars blossoming in your eyes as the weight of the world
lifts off of your shoulders, and you realise that you’re free.

There is something about your smile
that makes the whole world fade,
and I find myself unable to look away.

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There is something about your smile that, when I look at it,

243 faves · 1 comments · Jan 16, 2013 4:37pm






FrankConnor · 1 decade ago
For some reason, this quote nearly stopped my breath.

It reminds me of someone...
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