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Conversation with my mom about the names of my future children.

Me: Mom, I'm going to have 4 children.
Mom: Why?
Me: My first daughter will be named Stacy. I'll be Stacy's mom, and I shall have it going on. My first son will be named Luke. Then, my husband can say "Luke, I am your father." My second daughter will be named Narnia. Whenever I get her something, I'll proclaim, "For Narnia!" And my last son will be named Sparta. So then, when I introduce him I will announce "THIS IS SPARTA!"
Mom: I have raised you well.    
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Conversation with my mom about the names of my future children.

6 faves · 1 comments · Jan 1, 2013 1:05am






YourMomLikesFood · 1 decade ago
My bf's name is luke. lol
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