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A Lost Love

Chapter 20 // B.O.T.S., no jocking


Alaine looked at him. It was dark out and the grass was cold. She felt angry that Edwin was using her and even worse trying to trick her.

Alaine: "Friday, i saw you kissing a thin girl with red hair"

Edwin: "Oh god, haha no we're just friends"

Alaine: "So is that what your going to tell her?"

Edwin: "Okay fine, let me straighten this out" Edwin got out his phone.

Edwin: Hey my girlfriend saw us kissing

Girl: Oh god, tell her that it was a dare you let me do, because you know i dont like you like that like ew Ed.

Edwin: WELL THEN haha okay thanks.

He lifted his phone up to show Alaine. Annoyed he had to actually do this.

Alaine: "So it was just a dare?"

Edwin:"Yeah i felt awkward doing it but i let her"

She smiled and sighed with relief. It was just a dare, it meant nothing. He put his arm around her and kissed her again. His lips were as soft as she thought they would be. She finally found her lost love and it felt great


Author's Note; 

BOTS means based on a true story. I hoped you liked it :3 Sorry for the delays. <3 Fav and follow me i'll follow back. Remember i have an older account for quotes :) always feel free to check it out :3 Going to write the next story tomorrow. Its called Bittersweet:3


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A Lost Love Chapter 20 // B.O.T.S., no jocking ______________________________________

2 faves · Dec 27, 2012 12:36pm






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