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&+ please tell me im not alone ;
am i the only one who gets made in fun of for the stupidest reasons.
crys because she doesn't even no how she feels or what she wants.
who trys to stick up for herself but just makes the situation worse .
listens to the same song trying to remind herself everything is going to be alright .
actully wants to make a diffrence in this hell called home .
dont tell me im all alone . --- >> thats the last thing i need ,to be alone .
who thinks shes so discustingly ugly and all the works just because someone
said that to her ? your not ? well i am . and im just sick and tired of this .
tired of being scared . tired of being on my own .
i just want to live my life like everyone else .
but thats like saying you can surf on the desert
or doing the impossible .
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&+ please tell me im not alone ; am i the only one who gets

11 faves · 1 comments · Mar 23, 2009 3:08pm






livelaughluv · 1 decade ago
your deffintly not alonee.
did you ever have a boyfriend? im 14 nd never had one, i feel like a loser bc everyone else had one nd had there 1st kiss alreadyy. & all the myspace survays are about like, ex's & kisses nd stuff =/
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