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Hold on to Him
Chapter Four
“No,” was my initial response.
A wide-set smile spread across his face. “Alright, walk then,” he told me as he turned to walk inside.
“Oh my God!” I moaned. “Just drive me; I don’t understand the big deal.”
“The big deal is, you’re being pushy and it’s 6:30 in the morning, and I don’t feel like dealing with it.”
“Justin!” I called. “Please!”
“Nope, not unless you abide by my terms. The guy always wins, remember that,” he told me, opening the door to his basement. As he opened it, a blond lady appeared in the doorway.
“Justin?” she asked gently. “Who’s here?”
“Uh, Megan,” he told her, walking by her.
“Megan from next door? What’s she doing over here?”
“She’s—“ he started, but I interrupted him.
“Looking for a ride to school, I missed my bus, and I was asking Justin for one.”
“Oh,” the lady said, looking to him. “Well, are you going to give her one?”
“No?” he coughed shortly.
She looked to me, a bit dazed and wide-eyed. “Well, why not?”
“Because…” he started, and I was interested to see if he would finish his explanation. “Well, I mean, it’s 6:30 in the morning.”
“Oh, Justin! Be a gentleman!” she demanded.
There was a silence before he appeared in the doorway again, gritted teeth and hard eyes, and I smiled slightly because I knew I had won.
He got into the car with silence, as did I, and it remained that way until he said, “Should I pick you up at seven tonight?”
I only “Hmphed” and rolled my eyes, looking to the window.
“This game you’re playing, it’s not going to work,” he snorted.
“I’m not playing a game,” I denied.
“You are,” he countered. “You’re playing hard-to-get. It’s old. I’ve been through college, I know when girls play. I’ve dealt with girls like you before, and typically, you’re not worth chasing. What makes you think I’m interested, anyways?”
I sat back in the chair, his words slightly wounding me. “So, you’re not interested?” I asked, trying to sound offended.
He laughed. “I never said that.”
“So you are.”
“I never said that either.”
“Well, Justin,” I told him as he parked his car out in front of the high school, “I’m not playing a game. But if I was, the girl always wins, just remember that.”

Two chapters in one day. This is a rare occurence. I could've spelled occurence wrong because I can't spell without spellcheck and I'm too lazy to look it up.
*I don't notify, please don't ask.*
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Hold on to Him Chapter Four “No,” was my initial

116 faves · 1 comments · Dec 15, 2012 9:44pm






spots_n_stripes · 1 decade ago
Just wanted to let you know that I'm really liking this story. :)
The song on your profile is nice background music while reading it too.
Keep up the good work :)
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