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To the parents, relatives and friends of the kids who lost their innocent lives in the shooting: I live in Kenya, several miles from the States. But like the whole of America and the rest of the world, the sad news hit me like a bullet to the heart. I imagined of all the scared faces and kid noises as they came face to face with the shooter. I thought of this merciless shooter and wondered why he had to shoot that scared kid. It not only brought death but also traumatised several other young survivers. I have once come face to face with a gunman before and it haunts me todate. My condolence to all that were affected (the whole world). America the whole world mourns with you. Like one of the wittians said, may they REST IN PARADISE.
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To the parents, relatives and friends of the kids who lost their

3 faves · Dec 15, 2012 11:39am






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