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this is a total true story.
so im at the moviess with all my franss rite and my boyfran is sitting next o my frann and she told him to come and sit next to me and talk to me [and me and him have like issuse rite now with talking) so he says no im going to talk to her and so that nite at like 11:30 i called him and i said do you want to break up and he said i dopnt like i mean we never talk and we really should and i was like i know and he said well i dont know do you want to and i said no but if we dont talk then how is this going to work and then we were texting after that and i told him to not be mad at me and i told him i didnt want go break up with him cause i really do like him so h says no im not mad at you at all you didnt do anyting wrong and i was like okayy im just saying. and so the next day he calls me and he says meagan ,did you re4ally want to break up and i said no and he was like are we together or are we broken up and i was like i thought that we were broken up becuase we broke up last nite and he was no i really like you and i dont know why i said that i wanted to and i was lik awuhh. and he was like so... do... you... wanna... get... back... together? and i was like yea shure. and i like really like him and stuff but i really dont talk to him all that much so i need to know if i made the rite choice in saying yes.

-that girl who needs help in life.

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this is a total true story. so im at the moviess with all my

0 faves · Mar 21, 2009 11:24pm




