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Ever loved someone so much, you can't imagine anything without them? You can't imagine him not being there in front of you during band. You can't imagine not being able to throw pencils at the back of his head. You're friends ask why you like him so much, and you sit there for an hour, listing his imperfect perfections. You like that person a lot. You get butterflies in your stomach, just thinking about them, then you see them, you can't stop smiling long enough to even say 'hi.
It hurts when they talk to another girl. You get jealous but you won't admit it to youself. You guys get on well with each other, but so does he and your friends. You just want him to be yours, but that's not possible because you get nervous around them and run away before you can even get the begining of "will you go out with me" out of your mouth. Weekends suck, because you had planned on asking him that Friday but never got the chance
And the worst part is, he knows you like him and he won't do anything about it.
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Ever loved someone so much, you can't imagine anything without

0 faves · Dec 9, 2012 1:34pm




